# Level 1 - Tutorial def getMax(a,b,c): # This function returns maximum value from three variables called a, b and c. maxValue = 0 # ZDE IMPLEMENTUJ return maxValue # Level 2 def digitSum(a): # This function returns digit sum of variable a. sum = 0 # ZDE IMPLEMENTUJ return sum # Level 3 def countOfNegativeNumbers(list): # This function returns number, how many numbers from input list are negative. negativeNumbers = 0 # ZDE IMPLEMENTUJ return negativeNumbers # Level 4 def translator(text): # This function returns translate text from variable text used by special defined alphabet translation = "" # ZDE IMPLEMENTUJ return translation # Level 5 def theLongestWordLengthInTheText(text): # This function returns count of chars from the longest word in the text in variable text countOfChars = 0 # ZDE IMPLEMENTUJ return countOfChars